
Why Transformation Coaching?

We all had big plans for ourselves when we were young. We wanted to be pilots or movie stars or astronauts.

Unfortunately, for many of us, these never saw the light of the day. The plans never worked out. We got caught up in this game called life and all the mundane yet necessary daily tasks. Somewhere along the way the paths of our dreams and the paths of the reality separated. Many know about it. Many don’t even realize this. And somewhere along this new path, we gave up on our dreams. We fell behind so much that it now seems unattainable. This in turn makes for a shift in our attitudes and perception of himself.

Add of this more unfinished works, unrealized dreams and missed deadlines and this new self perception becomes more and more cemented as the ‘I can never do this’ or ‘I can never accomplish that’ mindset. Getting back on track or finding the new renewed zeal to set new goals and to achieve it never even crosses our minds.

Unrealized goals over a period of time can have quite a negative effect on a person. A feeling of disappointment, frustration and possibly depression can quick poison the rest of our lives.

Consider the opposite. Seeing our dreams become a reality in front of our eyes can make us feel supremely happy and confident. Such people typically feel happier and more fulfilled in life.

Transformational coaches can support people transform themselves and their lives into what’s right for them.

Transformation coaching involves empowering people bettering themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary changes in their mindset. Instead of changing how they act, however, as with life coaching, transformation coaching works on changing the way they see themselves. This might involve changing their self-image, or perceptions about themselves and their limitations.

A transformational coach will typically work around unwanted habits and attitudes, negative self-images and perceived limitations that are holding a person back. A transformational coach will usually encourage a individual to focus on their positive talents and abilities. Working with a transformational coach can get most people put their past – including all of their failures or perceived failures – to rest, charge forward with new goals to better their lives, and transform into the amazing people they were always meant to be.

Here at Make New Ways, our mission, put simply, is to empower our society. How does transformation coaching help achieve that? By aligning your self-perception inline with your dreams and be a happier, fulfilled and content individual free of self doubts, fears and limiting beliefs.

That is what transformation coaching is.