
26 ways to get more done in your day

Start with the night before

  1. Plan plan plan. Visualize how your day is going to be. What are the meeting scheduled? What are the project deadlines and its current status?
  2. Foresee items which can over shoot timelines. Meeting a client who has the habit of ranting on? Schedule it. Plan to go through a high traffic area? Incorporate it.
  3. Pick out the clothes and stuff.
  4. Plan your food. If you’re on a special kick ass diet like me, prep your meals.
  5. Try and get atleast 7 hours of sleep.

In the morning

  1. Do your morning routine. Yoga. Workout. Meditate. Whatever.
  2. Do your stuff.
  3. Eat your stuff. Catch up on news .
  4. Make sure you’re on time to step in your car / cab / transport.

While traveling

  1. Use cab is possible. You can catch up on work or pending calls during this time.
  2. If driving, listen to audio books rather than radio.

During work

  1. Quickly make a to do. Mark each item with necessary and emergency. Attack Whichever ticks both. Work your way down striking off item by item.
  2. Here’s a nice one – begin with the end in mind.
  3. Minimize distractions.
  4. Delegate.


  1. I use a earphone at work. So I can talk and work (whenever possible) and also look cool.
  2. Keep conversations & emails short and to the point.
  3. Only read emails marked to you only. Read others later if time permits.
  4. Turn off social media or mute it.

For meetings

  1. KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.
  2. Make points so you can go over them later.
  3. Keep phone on silent so you can focus on one thing.
  4. Before end of day Check on your to do.
  5. Reschedule based on the 2 parameters – Necessary and Emergency.
  6. De clutter your workspace for tomorrow.


  1. Be happy. Do what you like. Gym. Read a book. Talk. Whatever. Just have fun. A lot can be done by just being happy.