Make New Ways

Leadership & Decision-Making

Lead with Vision Master Leadership and Decision-Making

Empower your leaders with our Leadership & Decision-Making activities designed to sharpen strategic thinking and enhance decision-making skills. These exercises provide practical experience in leading with confidence, making impactful decisions, and navigating complex scenarios. From leadership challenges to strategic simulations, our activities are crafted to build strong leaders who can drive success and inspire their teams.

Unlock your team’s potential and cultivate effective leaders who lead with vision and make informed, decisive choices.

Strategic Planning

Desert Survival Simulation

This activity builds teamwork, problem-solving, and resource management under pressure. Teams face a simulated desert survival scenario and must work together to prioritize limited resources (water, food, tools) to increase their chances of survival. This promotes critical thinking and collaborative decision-making.

Global Negotiation Challenge

This activity hones communication, negotiation, and cultural awareness skills. Teams represent different countries or companies and engage in simulated negotiations over resources or partnerships. This encourages effective communication, strategic thinking, and the ability to understand different perspectives.

Resource Allocation Game

This activity builds strategic thinking, resource management, and decision-making skills. Teams compete in a simulated environment where they must allocate limited resources (money, time, materials) to achieve specific goals. This fosters critical thinking and collaboration as teams prioritize their needs and make tough choices.

Case Study Analysis (real or fictional business scenarios)

This activity develops analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Teams analyze real or fictional business cases, identify key challenges, and recommend solutions. This encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and effective communication of ideas.

Build a City (budgeting and resource allocation)

This activity fosters planning, collaboration, and resource management. Teams are tasked with designing and constructing a model city within a budget and with limited resources. This encourages creative problem-solving, budgeting skills, and teamwork as they collaborate to build a functional and sustainable city.

River Cross

Teams have to interchange their positions while they meet with the criteria of movement. This is a extermely mentally challenging team and forces teams to deep dive into complex problem solving and team work.

Unlock the Box

Teams are given a box which is locked with a series of number combination locks and 1 physical lock. They are given clues to solve this before the time is up and the bomb in the box explodes. The pressure brings out insane levels of collaboration and communication as they go about defusing the bomb.

Minefield Walk

One team member is blindfolded and navigates a "minefield" guided by verbal instructions from teammates. It fosters trust and clear communication between the blindfolded participant and their team, encouraging active listening and problem-solving skills.

Minefield Walk

One team member is blindfolded and navigates a "minefield" guided by verbal instructions from teammates. It fosters trust and clear communication between the blindfolded participant and their team, encouraging active listening and problem-solving skills.

Conflict Resolution

Mediation Roleplay

This activity strengthens communication, problem-solving, and negotiation skills. Teams roleplay a mediation scenario, acting as a neutral third party (mediator) or the parties in conflict. This helps participants understand different perspectives, practice active listening, and find solutions that work for everyone involved.

Win-Win Negotiation Scenarios

This activity focuses on collaborative negotiation and finding mutually beneficial solutions. Teams are presented with scenarios where competing interests exist, and they must work together to find solutions that satisfy everyone's needs. This builds communication and negotiation skills while fostering a collaborative mindset.

Group Consensus Building

This activity hones communication, collaboration, and decision-making skills. Teams work together to reach a common agreement on a particular topic or issue. This encourages them to consider different viewpoints, actively listen to each other, and find solutions that everyone can support.

Role-Playing Conflict Scenarios

This activity strengthens communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills. Teams roleplay different conflict scenarios, allowing them to practice effective communication techniques, de-escalation strategies, and finding solutions to workplace disagreements.

The "Knotty" Problem

This is likely a reference to a specific team building activity that involves physical or metaphorical knots. These activities can promote communication, collaboration, and problem-solving under pressure. Teams might work together to untangle a complex knot or ropes course, relying on clear communication and teamwork to overcome the challenge.

Spark Growth See the Make New Ways Difference

Elevate your team with engaging, results-driven activities designed to ignite creativity, improve collaboration, and achieve lasting, impactful results.

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