Make New Ways

Creativity & Innovation

Ignite Imagination Fuel Creativity and Innovation

Unlock the full potential of your team with our Creativity & Innovation activities. Designed to spark imagination and foster inventive thinking, these exercises encourage out-of-the-box solutions and fresh perspectives. From brainstorming sessions to hands-on challenges, our activities will help your team break free from routine and explore new ideas with enthusiasm.

Empower your team to think creatively and innovate confidently, driving progress and discovering new possibilities together.

Out-of-the-Box Thinking

Ping Pong Blow off

Teams have to fill paper cups with water and make the ping pong ball go from the 1st the last cup. The catch is that they cannot use their hands. This game bring in collaboration and quick thinking amongst the participants.

Improvisation Games

Improvisation Games spark creativity, communication, and adaptability. Teams participate in unscripted scenarios, encouraging quick thinking, collaboration and building on each other's ideas in a fun and lighthearted way. It helps teams develop the ability to think on their feet, listen actively and build trust through spontaneous collaboration.

Junk Art Competition

This activity promotes creativity, resourcefulness, and collaboration. Teams utilize discarded materials (plastic bottles, cardboard, etc.) to create a unique piece of art. This encourages them to think outside the box, work together effectively, and transform "junk" into something valuable.

Product Improvement Challenge (redesigning an existing product)

This activity fosters design thinking, problem-solving and resourcefulness. Teams analyze an existing product, identify areas for improvement and brainstorm innovative solutions. They might even create a prototype of their improved product, encouraging teamwork and communication.

Desert Island Survival (inventing tools with limited resources)

This activity builds teamwork, problem-solving, and resourcefulness under pressure. Teams are stranded on a "deserted island" (simulated environment) and must use limited resources (cardboard, paperclips, etc.) to create tools or shelters to survive. This encourages creative thinking, collaboration and prioritizing resources for success.

Movie Director

This activity promotes creativity, collaboration and communication. Teams are tasked with creating a short video on a specific theme or topic using limited resources (phones, props). This encourages brainstorming, teamwork, and storytelling skills as they work together to film, edit, and present their video.

Longest chain

Teams are asked to line up and make the longest chain they can using themseleves. The catch is that they have to remain in contact for the electricty to pass through. The longest chain wins. This encourages creative problem-solving and teamwork as they collaborate to build a connected chain.

Minefield Walk

One team member is blindfolded and navigates a "minefield" guided by verbal instructions from teammates. It fosters trust and clear communication between the blindfolded participant and their team, encouraging active listening and problem-solving skills.

Minefield Walk

One team member is blindfolded and navigates a "minefield" guided by verbal instructions from teammates. It fosters trust and clear communication between the blindfolded participant and their team, encouraging active listening and problem-solving skills.

Idea Generation

Design a Prototype Challenge

Teams brainstorm ideas, design a prototype using readily available materials and potentially even pitch their creations.

Lego Mindstorms Competition

This is a robotics-themed activity that encourages teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving. Teams design, build and program Lego Mindstorms robots to complete a specific task or challenge.

Story Mashup

Teams take elements from different stories or genres and combine them to create a new, unique story. This is a fun way to encourage teams to think outside the box and build on each other's ideas.

Six Thinking Hats

This is a creative thinking tool developed by Edward de Bono. Each hat represents a different thinking style (e.g., information gathering, positive thinking, critical thinking). Teams take turns wearing different hats to approach a problem from various perspectives.

SCAMPER Brainstorming

This is a structured brainstorming technique that helps teams generate new ideas. SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate, and Rearrange. Teams use these prompts to think about existing products, services, or processes in new ways.

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Unlock new levels of success with our tailored, high-impact activities that drive meaningful change and foster real team growth.

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