
Am I too late– Am I too old?

I have two possible decisions that can make or break my life.

Should I quit too early and give up on myself ….. considering I am already in my late 30’s?

Should I give up on having my desires fulfilled, making a dream come true career and achieving all the happiness just because I feel its too late.

I should have taken the risks long before but I had responsibilities and I did what my parents expected me to do and I did what my conventional society expected me to do.  I took the path which looked easier and logically high result yielding and I did good.

I achieved  what was expected from me by my family , by my friends and by my society but did I really felt happy about these win in life ???…I still long for that path which I never took. I still want to take that leap of faith and do what I always desired and dreamt of.

But can I take this leap of faith and risk all for the sake of my happiness and contentment or am I too old for it.

People around me are planning to retire, take vacations and have another child and slow down… and live with whatever paths they chose for their people and society early on in their lives.

But I do not want to do that …..I want to put my heart and soul back into what I loved not because I will earn more money, not because it looks more logical but only because it was my life’s calling, because that has always been my passion.

So…… if I take this path … I know it will be a lonely journey. I know people will never really understand and most of them will feel that I am foolish to pursue my dream so late in my life. They will say its too late.

But here’s the thing……. NOW has always been the right time to do it. NOW has always been the right place to do it. There has never been a better moment to get restarted then NOW.

I will restart NOW…. for achieving my dreams and so should you.

Once you will start doing it, the whole universe will come together to support it. You will be able to reconnect with yourself and be a happier person.


You will go through days of self doubt. Are you good enough? Did I make a mistake? Does anyone really cares about what I am doing? and many more…

But know this too……

Beyond the threshold of fear lies all happiness. If it does not scare you a little,  it is probably not a good decision and may be not worth doing.

You should continue doing it and everything will fall into place.

This is your life and its your journey. You should live it for yourself first and then for others. This is only how you will live a fulfilled life.

There are people who die very early in life and are unable to achieve their dreams.

You are still alive …so make it count.

Trust your intuitions a little more and take that leap of faith.

Its never too late. You are never too Old.

Esther Indurkar
June 2019